upvc windows in Gujrat

1 - UPVC windows are not environmentally friendly

UPVC windows are manufactured using PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic. In recent years, many people have become concerned about the environmental effects of PVC plastics. However, the truth is that UPVC windows in Gujrat are much more environmentally friendly than traditional wooden windows.

2 - UPVC windows are noisy

The noise created by UPVC windows is actually less than that produced by wooden windows. Unlike wood, UPVC does not expand and contract with changes in temperature. As a result, the sound insulation provided by UPVC windows remains constant throughout the year.

3 - UPVC windows are expensive

In fact, UPVC windows are cheaper to maintain than wooden windows. Because they do not rot, decay or warp, they require no maintenance.

 4 - UPVC windows cannot be recycled

UPVC windows can easily be recycled. Many local councils offer free collection services for old window frames. If you live outside of these areas, you may need to pay a small fee to dispose of them.

 5 - UPVC windows are dangerous

There is no evidence that UPVC windows pose any danger to human health. In fact, they are safer than wooden windows.

 6 - UPVC windows are difficult to clean

Unlike wooden windows, UPVC windows can be cleaned easily. Simply use warm water and soap to remove dirt and grime.

 7 - UPVC windows are flammable

UPVC windows are not flammable. Like all types of plastic, they burn at high temperatures.